Employer branding


Fueling energy company’s image as a desirable employer

  • Services:
  • Branding
  • Design
  • Job Ads
  • Creative Strategy
  • Copywriting


JANAF (Jadranski naftovod) is an oil transportation and storage company based in Croatia. It operates a network of pipelines and storage facilities primarily for crude oil and petroleum products. The company plays a crucial role in the transportation and storage of oil in the region, contributing to the energy infrastructure of Croatia and its neighboring countries.

For the years ahead, JANAF is planning on expanding its core business to other fields of energetics and our main task was to position JANAF as a desirable employer in the area of energy, rather than just oil.


After conducting focus groups with JANAF employees from various departments, we have systemized all the collected data, drew conclusions, and turned them into a story that will attract candidates who want to work in the energy sector.

The basis for all further communication is the development of Employee Value Proposition pillars — a unique set of benefits and rewards that JANAF offers its employees in exchange for their skills, capabilities, and commitment.

We have found out and defined that JANAF offers


Taking EVP pillars into consideration, along with the general direction where the JANAF company is going we have created a creative concept and employer branding slogan that will sign all the employer branding materials. 

JANAF employees emphasize the importance of teamwork and collective effort in their work. While each expert and professional plays a crucial role, they believe that the collective effort of the team is what drives Croatia’s energy industry forward, as no single person can match the energy and impact of a united team.

Employer branding slogan tells a story about how the team is connected even though JANAF operates on different business terminals throughout Croatia, and that their position as an employer is unique in the entire region. The job you are doing at JANAF, you can do in JANAF only!



We have defined a call-to-action headline tailored for JANAF’s recruitment initiatives. With this recruitment headline, we are inviting people to take action, placing the reader at the center of attention. The headline is designed to easily resonate with individuals, fostering engagement, innovation, and a positive approach to work. It suggests that each employee has the ability to make positive changes and contribute to an effective work environment.



A picture tells a thousand words, but a great art direction tells the entire story. To distribute the whole JANAF employer branding story to employees and potential job candidates, we have created a unique art direction that combines JANAF logo elements, colors, and employee images. 

With the art direction we created an extension of JANAF corporate visual identity, where we utilized the elements of the logo. The blue “line” represents the slogan itself, uniquely connected elements of logo that also symbolizes the 631 km of buried oil pipelines and equipment that JANAF manages, while the black and white style pays an homage to JANAF’s core business.

Employer branding

To support the overall communication strategy, we created materials for both internal and external communication of the JANAF employer brand.


Internal communication

We have proposed a Welcome Kit for people who join JANAF, filled with all the goodies that not only help people do their job (both in the office and on local terminals) but also feel energized at the same time too!  


Building an online presence 

With a comprehensive external communication strategy, through various job ads, LinkedIn communication, careers page, we have built and strengthened JANAF’s digital presence that will attract new talent that is perfect for the roles of JANAF.

Establishing a Presence at Job Fairs

As part of our communication strategy, we proposed an additional activation for JANAF—participation in local job fairs. At these events, JANAF employees can provide potential job seekers with firsthand information about working at JANAF. Additionally, it allows employees to take pride in showcasing their employer. For this activation, we created the necessary materials to enhance JANAF’s presence at job fairs, driving attendees to visit the JANAF stand.